Complete each requirement to receive the achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Kill a player with the stonetrap in Stoneshill.
| - Assist in raising 100 flags.
| - Get 100 kills with the Fists.
| |
| - Kill 100 objective-carrying enemies.
| - Torch 5 players to death in one round.
| - Destroy the sea wall at Invasion.
| - Take 500 damage in one life.
| - Kill 100 with your Warhammer.
| |
| - Complete an objective while in fire.
- Butter Knife, The Destroyer!
| - Get 200 kills with the Dagger.
| |
| - Kill someone with an oilpot.
- Crash Course in Brain Surgery
| |
| - Kill 50 Enemies through their parry.
| - 500 Kills with the crossbow.
| - Kill 1 player with the oilbarrels at Siege.
| - Absorb 500,000 damage with a shield.
| - Push the cart on Dark Forest.
| - Steal the Crown at Monastery Hill.
| - Get 20 decapitations in one round.
| - Get a Headshot with the Ballista.
| - Apologize after killing a teammate.
| - Get the first kill in a round.
| - Get 10 Headshots with the Bow in one game.
| |
| - Successfully parry, stab and slash in a fight.
| - Stare at the Glow Worms in Invasion for 5 seconds!.
| - Score 150 points or more on Sorrow.
| - Get 250 "Head Explodies", 250 Decapitations, 500 projectile headshots.
| - Decapitate a peasant in The Shore.
| - Save the Prince in The Siege.
| - Decpitate 2 opponents with 1 swing.
| - Kill 3 people while on the brink of death.
| - Complete all objectives in a map.
| - Execute a prisoner in Dark Forest.
| - Assist in building a bridge 100 times.
| - Get 500 kills with each class.
| - Lose your head 100 times.
| - Push the bomb cart in Helms Deep.
| - Slay 25 with throwing knives.
| |
| - Kill 500 Opponents while they are near, or completing, an objective.
| - Slay 1000 Agathians and 1000 Masons.
| - Kill 10 players with your hand axe.
| - Kill an opponent with your bare hands.
| - Hit an opponent with a Javelin from over 100 feet away.
| - Raise 25 flags by yourself.
| |
| - Get 50 kills with the Longbow.
| - Get 1000 kills with the Longbow.
| - Get 200 Kills with the Longbow.
| - Decapitate an opponent that is on fire.
| - Kill 5 enemies without dying.
- Secret Chamber: The Siege
| |
| - Toss some pumpkins in Tournament.
| - Destroy the developer gravestones in Death Valley.
| - Headshot, Decap or Head Explodie the last person to kill you after dying.
| - Kill the same person twice in a row with the Longbow.
| - On The Siege, get 20 catapult kills in one round.
| - Achieve 50 catapult kills.
| - Kill 200 players at full health with one blow.
| - Chop down the Tree in The Shore.
| - As Man-At-Arms, kill 10 enemies in 1 life without taking damage.
| |
| - Fire the Trebuchet in The Siege.
| - Sound the horn at Helms Deep.
| - Laugh after killing a teammate.
| - Slay 25 with throwing axes.
| - Make 7 successful parries in a row.