
Age of Empires 2 Expansion: The Conquerors

Quick Soldiers No Aegis

Ok as you may know there is a cheat (aegis) that makes everything produce straight away, but there is a problem, once you use aegis the enemies also creat everything quickly so here is a tip to creat quick soldiers and research things in no time: it's easier if you have alot of resources to begin with, what you do is at the beginning of the game you get villagers to build 4 barracks (when you advance ages do the same with archery range and stable), once you have the 4 barracks click the creat militia button 5 times on each barracks so in stead of making 5 units because you ahve 4 baracks you have 4 times as many units so in the time a normal player(enemie) made 5 soldiers you made 20! do the same for the blacksmith creat 5 so you can research all at the same time. If you do this you will have about 50 soldiers in 5-10 minuits and you can attack the enemy who has a very small army! do the same with the archery range and stable. Good Luck!

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