To enter the following cheats, you must press [Enter] anytime during gameplay. Next, type the letters to the left, and press [Enter].
Code | Effect
| - Catapult has range of 16 and area effect diameter of 10.
| - cooles Cart with Rocketlauncher.
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| - Creates a White Sports Car.
| - give yourself 1,000 gold.
| - all composit bowmen become stealth archers.
| - everyone (including you) dies.
| - Juggernaught can move on land.
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| - destroys all of your buildings and units.
| - gives you instant victory in a scenario.
| - gives Priest speed of 6 and 600 hit points.
| - Ballista has range of 100.
| - catepultes fire out cows and villagers.
| - kill Player in Position X (1-8)
| - buildings are built fast.
| - Changes all birds into Dragons.
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| - 1,000,000 food, wood, gold, and stone.
| - give yourself 1,000 food.
| - You become a Fighter with Laserkanon.
| - give yourself 1,000 stone.
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| - Creates some sort of walker.
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| - give yourself 1,000 wood.