
Alice: Madness Returns

Alice: Madness Returns Walkthroughs...

  Alice: Madness Returns Walkthroughs

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Alice: Madness Returns Cheats...

  Alice: Madness Returns Walkthroughs

   Bonus dresses...
   Cheat Codes...
   Dress Specials...
   God Mode...
   New Game +...

Bonus dresses

Successfully complete the indicated chapter to unlock the corresponding dress.

DressHow to unlock

Cheat Codes

I assume you need to enter these codes while playing, or enter them at the code entry screen if there is any.


Dress Specials

Beat the game once.

God Mode

Alter game files at your own risk and always make backups. Open DefaultGame.ini in the game folder (Alice2\AliceGame\Config) in a text editor. Save the file after you are done and start the game.

For God Mode: In line 176 you can find Damage Mutltiplier for "Easy" it's DamageMultiplierArray[0] = 0.75. To activate godmode you have to set your line to = 0.0

For example: DamageMultiplierArray[0] = 0.0

Weapon Damage: You can also set the Weapon Damage Multiplier AliceWeaponDamageMultiplier[0] = 3.0, just change the =3.0

Weapon Upgrades: Down from line 262 you can change the upgrade cost by changing this line:

WeaponUpgradeToLevel2XPCost[0]=150 to, say, WeaponUpgradeToLevel2XPCost[0]=15

New Game +

Beat the game once.

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