Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - [Basketball] 100 bank shots.
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| - Customize your character.
| - [Darts] Fit to center (Black)
| - [Baseball] Record 20 strikeouts.
| - [Bowling] Pitch 5 continuous strikes.
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| - [Table tennis] Win after deuce.
| - [Badminton] Win after deuce.
| - [Tennis] Win after deuce.
| - [Billiards] Pocket 3 balls in one inning.
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| - [Boxing] Score 1,000,000.
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| - [Billiards] Pocket all balls in one inning.
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| - [Baseball] No-hitter win.
| - [Badminton] Win without losing any score.
| - [Tennis] Win without losing any score.
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| - Win an online match for the first time.
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| - [Table tennis] Score with a smash.
| - [Archery] Hit all 10 points in one match.
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| - [Bowling] Pitch 3 continuous strikes.
| - Obtain 3,000 ladder score.
| - Obtain 1,500 ladder score.
| - [Darts] Win with 0 points.