Rename your ship to one of the following names to get 10 gems and an Achievement.
Ghost Ship
Heart of Gold
Red Five
USS Enterprise
Rename your ship to one of the following names to get 10 gems and an Achievement.
Basin City
BonanzaCreek (will also give you title of "Cheater")
Set the system date to any of the following to get 10 gems, an Achievement, and the corresponding title.
April 14th: "Anno 1404 fan" title.
March 15th: "1503 A.D. fan" title
February 16th: "1602 A.D. fan" title
January 17th: "1701 A.D. fan" title
Start a game between 3:00 to 05:00 a.m. in the morning to get 10 gems and an Achievement.
Play the game on November 11th at 11:11 a.m. to get ten gems and an Achievement.
You can earn other achievements by doing the following tasks.
Accelerate the game for one hour.
Build 1000 peasant houses in a game.
Destroy 2500 enemy ships.
Pause the world 250 times.
Play 2 hours in close camera perspective.
Play 10 hours in medium camera perspective.
Play 20 hours in distant camera perspective.
Play a continuous game for 24 hours.
Spend 1 hour in Post Card view.
Take more than 500 screenshots.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding medal. Quest medals are only available in gold. Other medals have three tiers of bronze, silver, and gold. Medals are classified into four different categories: Diplomacy, Economy, Scenarios, and General inhabitants.
Medal | How to unlock
| - 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 Honor points accumulated (Economy).
- Brooch of the High Council
| - Attain the achievement the High Concil (Diplomacy).
| - Achieve Metropolis status in an easy, medium, and hard map (Economy).
| - Complete the easy, medium, and hard campaigns (General).
| - 250,000, 500,000, and 1 million gold coins accumulated (Economy).
| - Win the "Elector" Scenario (Scenarios).
| - 1000, 10,000, and 50,000 inhabitants settled (Diplomacy).
| - Win the "Diplomat" Scenario (Scenarios).
| - Win the "General" Scenario (Scenarios).
- Metal of the Guild Master
| - Win the "Guild Master" Scenario (Scenarios).
| - Win the "Imperator" Scenario (Scenarios).
- Metal of the Master Builder
| - Win the "Master Builder" Scenario (Scenarios).
| - 15, 30, and 50 ships sunk (Diplomacy).
| - 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 Noblemen settled (Diplomacy).
| - Attain the "Order of the Keepers" achievement (General).
- Order of the Knights of the Grail
| - Attain the "Gold Ship" achievement (General).
| - 100, 500, and 999 tons of goods in a warehouse (Economy).
| - 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 Envoys settled (Diplomacy).
| - 10, 100, and 500 houses on one profile (General).