
Area 51

Area 51 Walkthroughs...

  Area 51 Walkthroughs

   Area 51 (PC) - Full Game 1080p60 H...

Area 51 Cheats...

  Area 51 Walkthroughs

   Arcade cabinet...
   Chow Palace...
   Defeating Grays...
   Defeating the Super Beast...
   Kronn Hunter Mode...
   Secret Rooms...
   Secret tapes...
   Spooky Hidden Rooms...
   The End...
   Unlock Gray Alien in Multi-pla...
   Unlock Harder difficulty...

Arcade cabinet

In the earlier stages of the game, there are a few cabinets of the original Area 51 arcade game, complete with red and blue light-guns.

Chow Palace

At the 7th level, shoot all the yellow barrel explosives. You will get to go to a secret room, called Chow Palace.

Defeating Grays

To defeat Grays that use shields, mutate and fire parasites at them. It will bring down the shields faster than any other weapon in the game.

Defeating the Super Beast

When fighting the Super Beast, rather than running straight at him, run around in a circle. When he gets near an explosive barrel, shoot it. It does more damage then the BBG. Watch out for his plasma shooting arm as well. When you finish, Edgar will talk to you, and you get to see him.


If you start the game, only shoot the first three STAAR team members. If you do this right, you will have an infrared sight.

Kronn Hunter Mode

At the beginning of the game, ONLY shoot the first 3 STAAR team members you see. If you did this right you will enter Kronn Hunter Mode. In this mode you are a mercenary from the Kronn hierarchy sent to sterilize Area 51 of the Kronn rebels. You will notice that the grenades, bullets, shotgun shells, and machine gun bullets have taken on a Kronn form. You will also gain 20,000 points whenever your score is tallied, and you can shoot STAAR team members with impunity.

Secret Rooms

Level 2: Shoot all the highest windows in the far wall in the hangar. When you are in the truck, shoot all yellow barrels, and you will discover another secret room.

Level 4: When you are driving on the STAAR jeep, shoot every yellow box.

Level 5: Shoot the sign which shows the words General Weatherby on the second door right away when this door opens.

Level 7: Shoot all yellow barrels in the first area where the four purple zombies are throwing barrels.

Secret tapes

Find and scan all five databank items in a level to unlock the secret for that level. The final secret of the game is unlocked when all prior secrets have been found.

Spooky Hidden Rooms

After you have ride through the airfield, and you have got the ladder that hangs out of the chopper, look with attention to the paintings that hang at the wall. When you shoot the paintings and all the officedoors, you will arrive in a strange room.

The End

Good End: Shoot all the panels of the mothership
Bad End: If you let the mothership escape

Unlock Gray Alien in Multi-player mode

Successfully complete campaign mode under the Hard difficulty setting.

Unlock Harder difficulty

Successfully complete campaign mode under the Medium difficulty setting.

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