Achievement | How to unlock
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| - Make 100% of the game and see the extended ending.
| - Get hit by a Spirit right after it's respawn.
| - Make 3 different combos without hitting the ground.
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| - Fall 3 times into the water during the same level.
| - Survive the second encounter without letting any rock hit the ground.
| - Win the Cave battle against Mapinguari.
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| - Collect 2 Medicial Plants to increase your health.
| - Make a combo using the Strenght Boost.
| - Jump a great distance using the Agility Boost.
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| - Win the Mountain battle against Mapinguari.
- May Tupã Guide Your Joystick
| - Lose one life in any level.
| - Lose one health point trying to attack a Red Spirit.
| - Try to knock out a Spirit jumping over its head.
- Only Cats Can Get 7 Lives
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| - Complete all the bonus stages.
| - Win the Forest battle against Mapinguari.
| - Get all the Cave Muiraquitãs.
| - Get all the Forest Muiraquitãs.
| - Stay in the air for one minute without hitting the ground.
| - Lose 3 lifes against Mapinguari in any encounter.
| - Get all the Mountain Muiraquitãs.
- The Muiraquitãs Collector
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| - Offer five Muiraquitãs at the end of any level.
- The Song Will Show the Way
| - Use the Search Ability to find a secret area.
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| - Survive the third encounter without using the Defense Ability.
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| - Dodge a Red Spirit and make him fall into the abyss.
| - Avoid loosing health after a high fall using the Agility Stance.
| - Find 3 combos throughout the game.
| - Survive the first encounter without losing health.