Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Decisively resolve a disagreement with Spider's avatar.
| - Negotiate a peaceful resolution to the situation in Ishko.
| - Take out more than 50 people in your search for Wolf.
| - Double cross the Clearwater people.
| |
| - Throw the world into disarray with the highest level of chaos-causing decisions.
| - Survive in this brutal world without taking a life.
| - Entertain the sly designs of the spider avatar.
| - Get the head of the Wolf enclave to recognize your superiority.
| - Kill at the earliest possible opportunity like a true avatar of the Wolf god.
- Friends in Slippery Places
| - Get the Eel god to come to your aid at a crucial moment.
| - Convince your nemesis to see reason and embrace a peaceful transition.
| - Sow the first seeds of peace between the Rising Sun and their most bitter enemy.
| - Prove that you are the apex predator and that your hunger is the most vicious.
| - Kill enough to be attacked by vengeful spirits.
| - Take action against the Rising Sun before they get too big to control.
| - Emerge as the uncontested head of the pantheon.
| - Find something worth settling down for.
| - Lead the Wolf enclave alongside its former leader.
| - Make a new pack with a rival.
| - Receive the blessings of three gods. By force, if necessary.