Solving The Riddler's "?"s
If you are stumped by The Riddler's more "taxing" riddles such as "What's right in front of you but still hidden from view?", you will usually be able to use Detective mode to find a piece of a question mark without a dot (or the dot without the question mark). The easiest way to see an example of this is to go to the second balcony outside of the penitentiary. Look toward the medical facility and enable Detective mode. You will see a "?" with no dot under it on the floor. Grapple to the balcony above and on the center pole of the railing is the "?"'s dot. Align them onscreen and use Environmental Analysis. This solves the "Do you see what I see? No? Then maybe I am in a stronger position." riddle. There are a only a few of these, but remember you must find both parts of the "?" and align them to solve the riddle.