Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
- Build 20 units in one mission
| - You build space ships like they are made on a conveyor belt.
- Build 40 units in one mission
| - You pump out so many space ships the enemy has lost count, a valid strategy!
- Destroy 100 fighters in one mission
| - A swarm of fighters do not make you back down.
- Destroy 100 ships in one mission
| - Outstanding, Commander! The enemy will think twice before doing battle with you again.
- Destroy 200 fighters in one mission
| - Two swarms of fighters do not make you back down.
- Destroy 50 ships in one mission
| - Well done, Commander! You have proven yourself in battle.
- Win campaign on easy difficulty
| - You have beaten the campaign on easy difficulty! We salute you, Commander.
- Win campaign on Hard difficulty
| - Your leadership lead us to victory! This achievement is worthy of much praise, Commander.
- Win campaign on Legend difficulty
| - Unbelievable! You have won the campaign on Legend difficulty, you are the best of the best.
- Win campaign on normal difficulty
| - You have beaten the campaign on normal difficulty! Outstanding work, Commander.