Defeating Peach Wilkins
When the dark cloud envelopes the icy battlefield upon which you must face Peach Wilkins, save the game and locate the hostile turret at the end of the room when the cloud clears. Load the game and run to it before the cloud clears, so that you can quickly freeze or shock it. Then, hack it so it shoots your enemies. Crouch down by the area to your right when facing the turret. There are a few barriers here to protect you from enemy fire. However, to avoid damage by Wilkins' grenades, keep Telekinesis as your active Plasmid. He will avoid the turret's fire, but as long as you stay behind the barriers by the turret he will stay at a safe distance. This gives you time to calmly return his grenades using Telekinesis until he dies. The turret will take out most of the Splicers. This method makes things much easier because it eliminates the hectic "run around and whack people with the wrench" strategy that is otherwise your only option. That turret if not used as an ally would probably be the main cause of your death, along with the bots triggered by the security camera. By hiding near the allied turret however, you also hide from the camera's view.