One Pump Chump Legendary weapon
Enter Lectra City from Meridian Metroplex. From the entrance of Lectra City, go straight ahead to the location of the "Proof Of Wife" mission. Once you reach this location, go to the bottom of the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs, go forward and stay to the left wall. Once you reach the opening on the left, continue forward to find a small alleyway on the left. Go down the alleyway to see a chainlink fence on the left side. Inside the room with the chainlink fence are some switches. Activate the switches to turn on all the TVs down the hall. The sequence they are activated may be different some times. The following sequence should work most times: Press the button on the left, turn the wheel on the right, pull the lever to the right of the wheel, and then pull the lever on the left (may need to pull it twice). Once the five TVs at the end of the hall have been turned on, the "One Punch" enemy will come running out of the door towards you. He can kill you with one hit. Kill him to get a chance at the "One Pump Chump" Legendary weapon dropping. If it does not drop, leave the area and repeat the steps again until you get the One Pump Chump weapon. The One Pump Chump weapon is a powerful shotgun that kills most enemies with one shot and has a 50% chance not to consume ammo when fired.