Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Win 250 matchmaking games.
| - Win a Ranked 1v1 game with red damage on your last stock 5 times.
| - Play 3 games in the Ranked 1v1 matchmaking queue.
| - Win a Ranked 1v1 game without losing any lives 3 times.
| - Earn a total of 25,000 Gold.
| - Reach level 10 with a Sword Legend.
| - Earn a total of 50,000 Gold.
- Feels Like the First Time
| |
| - Play 3 games in the Free-for-All matchmaking queue.
- Gardening with a Black Thumb
| - Reach level 10 with a Scythe Legend.
| - Reach level 10 with a Spear Legend.
| - KO an opponent with a thrown item 30 times in matchmaking games.
| - KO 500 opponents in matchmaking games.
| - KO 1,000 opponents in matchmaking games.
| - Reach level 10 with a Katars Legend.
| - Reach level 10 with a Grapple Hammer Legend.
| - Win 10 matchmaking games.
| |
| - Press the "Say: GG!" button after 66 different matchmaking games.
| - Reach level 10 with a Gauntlets Legend.
- Let's Do This Again Next Week
| - Play 3 games in the Brawl of the Week matchmaking queue.
| - Reach level 10 with a Bow Legend.
- Matchmaker, Make Me a Match
| - Play 30 matchmaking games.
| - Reach level 10 with an Axe Legend.
| - Play 3 games in the Friendly 2v2 matchmaking queue.
| - Reach level 10 with a Blasters Legend.
| - Reach level 5 with 2 Legends.
| - Reach level 10 with 10 Legends.
| - KO 25 opponents in matchmaking games.
| - Reach level 10 with a Rocket Lance Legend.
| |
| - Earn a total of 100,000 Gold.
| - KO an opponent with a Gravity-Canceled Heavy Attack 10 times in matchmaking games.
| - Reach level 10 with 5 Legends.
| - Play 3 games in the Ranked 2v2 matchmaking queue.
- Time Flies When You're Having Fun
| |
| - Get 10 Double KOs in matchmaking games.
| |
| - Win 100 matchmaking games.