
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Professional perks

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding perk.

Bling Pro: Get 200 kills with a weapon with two attachments. Its effect is two primary weapon attachments and two secondary weapon attachments.
Cold-Blooded Pro: Destroy 40 enemy Killstreak rewards with the Cold-Blooded perk. Its effect is is undetectable by UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal imaging; and no red crosshair or name when you are targeted.
Commando Pro: Get 20 melee kills using the Commando Perk. Its effect is increased melee distance and no falling damage.
Danger Close Pro: Get 100 kills with explosives while using Danger Close perk. Its effect is increased explosive weapon damage and extra air support damage.
Hardline Pro: Get 40 Killstreaks with the Hardline perk. Its effect is that Killstreak rewards require one less kill and Deathstreak rewards require one less death.
Lightweight Pro: Run 30 Miles with the Lightweight perk. Its effect is move faster and quick aim after sprinting.
Marathon Pro: Run 26 Miles with the Marathon perk. Its effect is unlimited sprint and climb obstacles faster.
Ninja Pro: Get 50 close range kills using the Ninja Perk. Its effect is invisible to heartbeat sensors and silent footsteps.
Scavenger Pro: Resupply 100 times with the Scavenger perk. Its effect is resupply from dead enemies and extra magazines.
Scrambler Pro: Get 50 close range kills using the Scrambler perk. Its effect is jam enemy radar near you and delay enemy claymore explosions.
Sitrep Pro: Destroy 120 detected explosives or tactical insertions with the Sitrep perk. Its effect is detect enemy explosives and tactical insertions and louder enemy footsteps.
Sleight of Hand Pro: Get 120 kills with the Sleight Of Hand perk. Its effect is faster reloading and aiming.
Steady Aim Pro: Get 80 hip fire kills using the Steady Aim perk. Its effect is increased hip fire accuracy and longer hold breath duration.
Stopping Power Pro: Get 300 Kills with the Stopping Power perk. Its effect is extra bullet damage and extra damage to enemy vehicles.

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