
Multiple Codes

These Codes must be typed at a COMPLETE STOP!
Codes will not work if you have a cheat allready enabled!
You may not have any power-up that you got from the game (IE a green box)

Name of Powerup-----------------What to type
Bodywork Trashed----------------CLANGCLANG
Completes the race--------------SMARTBASTARD
Credit Bonus--------------------WETWET
Drink Driving-------------------EVENINGOCCIFER
Ethereal Pedestrians------------XRAYSPEKS
Explosive Pedestrians-----------TWATOFF
Free Repairs--------------------TINGTING
Greased Tyres-------------------WOTATWATAMI
Hot Rod-------------------------CLINTONCO
Lunar Gravity-------------------MOONINGMINNIE
Mine ShittingAbility------------DIDEDODI
Mutant Corpses------------------STIFFSPASMS
Mutant tail thing---------------BIGDANGLE
Opponent Repulsificator---------POWPOW
Pedestrian Annihilator----------ZAZAZ
Pedestrian Electro-Bastard Ray--FRYINGTONIGHT
Pedestrians Flamethrower--------FRYFRY
Pedestrians on Map--------------DOTACTION
Pedestrian Panic----------------MRMAINWARING
Pedestrians With Stupid Heads---GOODHEAD
Pinball Mode--------------------TILTY
Powerup Cancellificationisizer--OYPOWERUPNO
Solid Granite Car---------------BIGTWAT
Stupid Pedestrians--------------LEMMINGIZE
Suicidal Pedestrians------------TAKEMETAKEME
Time Bonus----------------------TIMMYTITTY
Timer Toggle--------------------STOPSNATCH
Turbo Peds----------------------FASTBAST
Underwater Ability--------------WATERSPORT
Wall Climber--------------------STICKYTYRES

If you want to play with 100,000,000,000 credits, then all you have to do is change one line in the GENERAL.TXT (which is in the DATA folder), which reads, "// Starting money for each skill level" (look closely, its hard to find) to 100000000000,1000000000000,1000000000000.

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