Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - As America make a National Park of Crater Lake and both tiles of Yosemite in one game.
| - Win a regular game at Immortal difficulty or harder.
| - Have 12 Policy Slots as Greece.
| - Playing as Brazil, complete both Estadio Do Maracana and Christo Redentor in one city.
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- A Revolution Without Dancing
| |
- Absolutely Nothing Rotten in the State of Denmark
| - Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Canute.
| - Win a regular game with a Classical Era start.
| - Win a regular game on the Pangaea Map.
| - Win Jadwiga's Legacy as Mikolaj "the Black" Radziwill.
| - Conquer a city with a Mamluk.
| - Get 5 Tech boosts in 1 turn.
| - Win a regular game as Jadwiga.
| - Levy the military of Nan Madol.
- Be the Change You Wish to See In the World
| - Win a regular game as Gandhi.
| - Win a regular game as Peter the Great.
- Buying Your Blue Jeans and Listening to Your Pop Music
| - Win a regular game with a Culture victory on any difficulty with any leader.
| - Win a regular game with an Industrial Era start.
| - Playing as Kongo, have a capital city with a population of 30.
| - Get 5 Civic boosts in 1 turn.
- Crouching Tiger Hidden Cannon
| - Playing as China, end a turn with 5 Crouching Tigers on Great Wall tiles.
| - Win a regular game as Frederick Barbarossa.
| - Win a regular game as Cleopatra.
| - Win a regular game on a Huge Map.
| - Build every district type in one city and the Colosseum.
| - Win a regular game on a Standard Map.
| - Win a regular game as Qin Shi Huang.
| - Win a regular game as Pedro II.
| - Win a regular game at Emperor difficulty or harder.
| - As Sumeria, have the first Great Work of Writing.
| - Put two units into a formation.
- Even Our Castles Have Castles
| - Build an Alcazar within 2 tiles of the Alhambra.
| - At the start of the turn have an Ecstatic city.
- Finn MacCool's Pipe Organ
| - Build a Monastery within 2 tiles of the Giant's Causeway.
| - Win a regular game as Gilgamesh.
| - Airlift a level 3 Slinger.
| - Playing as England on a Huge map, have a city on every continent at the start of the turn.
| - Win a regular game as Gorgo.
| - Win a regular game on a Tiny Map.
| - Win a regular game at Settler difficulty or harder.
| - Receive a Strategic Resource from Hattusa.
| - Playing as India on a Huge map, receive +35 Faith in one turn from the Satyagraha ability.
| - Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! at Deity difficulty.
| - Win Jadwiga's Legacy at Deity difficulty.
| - Win a regular game at Deity difficulty.
- Here's Looking At You Kid
| - Win a regular game on a Duel Map.
| - As Aztecs on a standard-sized map, attack an opponent while receiving a +16 Combat Strength bonus for having all of the luxuries.
| - Win a regular game as Victoria.
- If You Build It, They Will Come
| - Have 6 Improvements at one time.
| |
| - Win a regular game at Chieftain difficulty or harder.
| - Win a regular game with a Domination victory on any difficulty with any leader on a Huge Island Plates map.
| - Win a regular game as Hojo Tokimune.
| |
- Legends of the Hidden Temple
| - Build a Colossal Head adjacent to a Holy Site with a Temple.
| - Win a regular game as Theodore Roosevelt.
| - Create 5 Châteaux in one city with the Wine resource.
| - Use a bomber class unit to detonate a nuclear device, as long as its base and 9 Observation Balloons are located on the continent of Nena at the time of detonation.
| - Win a regular game at Prince difficulty or harder.
| - Win a regular game with a Science victory on any difficulty with any leader with a captured Egyptian city -- having also activated Newton and Darwin.
| - Win a regular game on the Inland Sea Map.
| - Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Olof Skötkonung.
| - Playing as Japan, have a district with 6 adjacent unpillaged districts.
- Missed That Day in History Class
| - Clear nuclear contamination with a Roman Legion.
| - Win a regular game with a Science victory on any difficulty with any leader.
| - Win a regular game with a Modern Era start.
| - Win a regular game as Montezuma.
- More Hacksilver For Harald
| - Win Vikings, Traders, and Raiders! as Harald Hardrada.
| - Win a regular game as Mvemba a Nzinga.
| |
- New Orleans Style Spanish Rice
| - Become Suzerain of a City-State.
| - Win a regular game with a Religious victory on any difficulty with any leader.
- Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition
| - Launch an Inquisition as Spain.
| - Win a regular game as Phillip II.
- Oneth By Land Twoeth By Sea
| - Have an Army of land Units and 2 Armadas.
| - Win a regular game as Pericles.
| - Win a regular game with a Medieval Era start.
| - Activate Leonardo da Vinci in New York with Great Works from Michelangelo and Donatello -- and a sewer -- all in that city.
| - Win a regular game with a Renaissance Era start.
| - Steal a Great Work of Art and don't get caught.
| - Win a regular game on the Shuffle Map.
| - Win a regular game as Trajan.
| - Playing as Scythia have 10 Saka Horse Archers in your army.
| - Have top secret access with five civilizations in one game at once.
| - Win a regular game with a Culture victory with your leader in the game as your opponent as well.
- Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World
| - Launch a weapon of mass destruction with a unit and have it pillage seven wonders.
| - Possess 6 Silver luxury resources at the start of the turn.
| - Win a regular game on a Small Map.
| - Win a regular game with an Atomic Era start.
| - Win a regular game as Saladin.
| - Win a regular game on the Continents Map.
| - Win a regular game on a Large Map.
- The Divine Right of Kings
| - Win a regular game at King difficulty or harder.
| - Win Jadwiga's Legacy as Konstanty Ostrogski.
| - Activate Darwin adjacent to the Galapagos Islands.
| - Win a regular game on the Island Plates Map.
| - Win a regular game with an Ancient Era start.
| - Playing as Frederick Barbarossa, conquer the city-state of Jerusalem.
| - Win a regular game with an Information Era start.
| - Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
| - Win a regular game on Fractal Map.
| - Win a regular game as Catherine De Medici.
| - Win a regular game as Harald Hardrada.
| - Win a regular game with a Domination victory on any difficulty with any leader.
| - Capture a settler with a Longship.
| - Found or conquer a city on a different continent.
| - As Egypt build a Sphinx adjacent to the Pyramids both on Floodplains.
| - Win a regular game at Warlord difficulty or harder.
| - Win a regular game as Tomyris.
| - Win a regular game with a Religious victory with your dominant religion being Zoroastrianism and at the time of victory you are the Suzerain of Zanzibar.
- What Do You Mean, "Active Volcano?"
| - Build three Aerodromes within 2 tiles of Eyjafjallajökull.
| - Win Jadwiga's Legacy as Stanislaw Potocki.
- You Are A Terrible Person
| - Playing as Poland, destroy another civilization's incomplete wonder by initiating a Culture Bomb.