

Crimsonland Cheats...

  Crimsonland Walkthroughs

   Alien Zoo Keeper Mini Game...
   Assembly Logo...
   Blade Gun...
   Change Console Font...
   Console Commands...
   Friendly Fire...
   Happy Holiday Message...
   Hardcore Mode...
   Level Test Mode...
   Remove Aimer...
   Special codes for Crimsonland ...
   Typ 'o' Shooter Mode...
   Various Steam Achievements...

Alien Zoo Keeper Mini Game

Start viewing the credits of the game. Click every line that has the letter 'o' in it. You will hear a chiming noise to confirm that you clicked it correctly. Click every line with a letter 'o' in it. Then when the list of names end, wait a while and more should come up. Click those with an 'o' in them as well and the words 'Secrets' should appear. Click it and you should be able to play the mini game. Make sure you click all of them with the 'o' or it will not work.

Assembly Logo

When on the main menu, hold down left CTRL and type in "assembly" (without the quotes). Then the word "Assembly" will appear at the top of the screen with light rays comming out of it. It will stay there until you quit the game and start the game back up.

Blade Gun

Enter Survival Mode. With your first shot, kill an enemy thing. If your first shot doesn't kill it, quit and start all over again. Wherever the bullet impacted the creature, stand on that. It'll be somewhere in the middle of the blood/corpse. Wait until creatures take you below 1/5 of your health, without moving. Without moving, kill all the creatures that were attacking you. If successful, you will receive the Blade Gun immediatley.

Change Console Font

In game, press ~ to bring down the console. Then type in "cv_ monoFont 1" (without the quotes and is case sensitive). The text for the console will change it's font. To turn it off, type in "cv_monoFont 0" (without the quotes and is case sensitive) at the console.

Console Commands

While playing the game, press ~ to bring down the console. Then type in the following to get it's corresponding effect on the game.



In game, press ~ to bring down the console. Then type in "cv_showFPS 1" (without the quotes and is case sensitive). When you play, you will be able to view the number of frames per second (FPS) in the game in the bottom right of the screen. To turn it off, type in "cv_showFPS 0" (without the quotes and is case sensitive) at the console.

Friendly Fire

In game, press ~ to bring down the console. Then type in "cv_friendlyFire 1" (without the quotes and is case sensitive). When you play multi-player, you will be able to damage whoever you are playing with and they will be able to damage you. To turn it off, type in "cv_friendlyFire 0" (without quotes and is case sensitive) at the console.

Happy Holiday Message

Set the date for your computer to December 25. Then, go into Crimsonland and a Happy Holiday message will appear with snow dropping from the top of the screen. Click on the snow or the message to disable it.

Hardcore Mode

Complete all quests on Normal.

Level Test Mode

At the main menu of the game, hold down left CTRL and type the word "levels" (without quotes). Then go to the modes of the game, and you will be able to play the new Level Test Mode you just got. A sound will be made right when you enter the code in to confirm it worked.

Remove Aimer

In game, press ~ to bring down the console. Then type in "cv_aimEnhancementFade 0" (without the quotes and is case sensitive). When you play, the standard Aimer will be removed and replaced with just a circle. To get the normal Aimer back, type in "cv_aimEnhancementFade 1" (without the quotes and is case sensitive) at the console.

Special codes for Crimsonland HD

These codes are work in Crimsonland HD version only. In order to use these codes, "grim" can only be typed in-game pause menu. And "gembine" can only be typed in scrolling credits. On the main menu click "EXTRAS" and then "CREDITS".


Typ 'o' Shooter Mode

Complete all quests on Normal.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock

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