Additional Cheats List
Once Annie Mode is enabled, you can type /aliensue to unlock the additional cheat codes and corresponding effects indicated below:
/cyberpod1 - Spawns a CyberPod MK1
/cyberpod2 - Spawns a CyberPod MK2
/cyberpod3 - Spawns a CyberPod MK#
/ambient - Ground becomes dark
/inventory - All weapons
/team 0/1/2/3 - Switch teams
Cheat Codes
Start by turning on Annie Mode, which you do by pressing ` (TILDE, THE KEY ABOVE TAB) and typing /annie when the prompt appears. Once you have activated Annie Mode, you can enter the codes indicated below for the corresponding effects.
Code | Effect
| - Identifies closest circle.
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| - Teleport to any map position.
| - Eliminate lighting effects.
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| - Generates shield status report.
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| - Pen and Paper mode activated.