Defeating Soul of Cinder
Soul of Cinder is the final story Boss. After defeating him, you can interact with the last bonfire (same place where you fight him) to trigger the game ending and start New Game+. He uses a variety of attacks and weapons that he is always switching around. A recommended strategy is to take Havel's Greatshield (any greatshield will do) and walk close to him in circles while blocking all attacks. After blocking his combo, attack him 1-2 times and block again. After a few hits, he will get stunned and you can take down a good chunk of his health. Just keep it slow and block, do one hit and repeat. In between his attacks, you should release [Block] so your stamina recovers quicker. When he uses magic, you can get up close to him and just attack. After his first health bar is gone, he gets more aggressive. His available attacks change slightly. He uses longer combos and throws lightning spears at you. When he uses lightning he is vulnerable -- that is when you should attack even if he hits you a few times. Roll away from him when he does the 5-hit sword combo with the big fire explosion. Everything else you can block with the shield. You just have to learn how to balance your stamina for this fight so you have enough to block, but also enough to get one hit in. Keep your equipment load below 70% to speed up stamina recovery. You should definitely put a few points in stamina before this fight.