
Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge

Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge Cheats...

  Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge Walkthroughs

   Cheat Mode...
   God mode, Freeze, invisibility...

Cheat Mode

Start the game normally. When in the game window type: arno
No confirmation will appear. Confirmations will appear on these:

Cheat - Result:

Ctrl + F3 - Freeze all on/off
Ctrl + F4 - God Mode on/off
Ctrl + F4 - More ammo (retype for even more)
Shift + F4 - Invisibility
Shift + F10 - X / Y position of the pointer
Ctrl + F12 - Win current mission

God mode, Freeze, invisibility, win mission.

Start the game as usual.

In the game window type: arno (No confirmation will appear)

Ctrl + F3 = Freeze all on/off
Ctrl + F4 = God mode on/off +ammo (Press several times for more ammo.
Shift + F4 = Invisibility
Shift + F10 = X/Y position of pointer
Ctrl + F12 = Win current mission.

Confirmation will appear after pressing these buttons.

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