Achievement | How to unlock
| - Find every way to change the world. You just had to.
| - Choose to endure. 'Tis nobler to suffer my outrageous thoughts.
| - Finish faster than the very ones who made us.
| - I was so used to failure I thought it was inevitable. Apparently not.
| - Some games are just too short. Even their additional content takes less than five minutes.
| - Trust your senses and you'll fear nothing on this Earth.
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| - New levels for no reason? ... fine, I'll beat them.
| - "Every unwarranted change is wasted energy", quoth Father.
| - Find a way to alter my world.
| - Choose to sleep. End my sea of troubles.
| - My thoughts intrigue you far too much.
| - Bring us back together, if only for a moment...
- The Definition of Insanity
| - ... is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
| - You've come to two conclusions. Which is correct?