
Dragon Ball FighterZ

Easy Zeni

This method allows you to earn 5,300 Zeni per match (three minutes) and 106,000 per hour. Use the following steps to easily farm Zeni.

Step 1: Successfully complete the story on the Normal difficulty to unlock New Game+ Hard mode. Play through the entire game again on Hard mode. When you reach Arc 3 in Hard mode, you must get three "Victory Zeni Up Lv. 6" skills. They are won from enemies. Arc 3: Map 15 has enemies that drop this skill. You can replay maps to farm three of these skills.

Step 2: Replay Arc 3: Chapter 7 - Map 13 from the story title screen in Hard mode.

Step 3: Equip the three "Victory Zeni Up Lv. 6" in the skill menu. You can stack three of these to increase the effect.

Step 4: Farm the match at the top of the map against Goku, Yamcha, and Piccolo. This match gives a +300 Zeni reward when you win, and the enemies are very weak and quick to defeat.

Step 5: After the match, pause the game and select the "Retry" option. You will get all your health back and can replay the match as many times as desired. It takes three minutes per match (including loading screen) if you just spam light attacks. If you are actively playing, you can do it in two minutes.

The key is to get the "Victory Zeni Up Lv. 6" skills. These are only obtainable in Arc 3 in Hard mode. It makes the match reward go from 1,800 Zeni per match to 5,000 Zeni (277% increase). Furthermore, matches in Hard mode give 250% more money than matches in Normal mode. This combined with the Zeni skills and the +300 bonus reward for this match makes it the fastest way to earn money in the game.

The "Set For Life" achievement requires you to earn 20,000,000 Zeni. To get this much money, it will take 3,773 matches or roughly 188 hours using only this method. Note: You do not have to keep all the money in your inventory; you are allowed to spend it. Zeni is also used for unlocking Vegeta SSGSS (unlocks automatically at 300,000 Zeni earned) and Goku SSGSS (unlocks automatically at 500,000 Zeni earned). You do not have to actively play for this farming method. Just use light attacks and no directional buttons. If your characters are Level 90-100, it is a guaranteed win. Using this method, it takes approximately 60-100 seconds to win a match. With loading times and transition screens, it increases to 180 seconds on average.

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