
Emergency Fire Response Cheats...

  Emergency Fire Response Walkthroughs

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Access All Scenarios

Note this involves editing a game file, so make a back-up before proceeding. Look for the progress.dat file in the ...dreamcatcheremergency fire responsesave directory. Use a text editor to open and edit that file and change the number on the "Progress" entry to "9", and the number on the line "Star" to "5", which will give you 5 medals for each scenario. Then type Star 2 to 9 under each line, exactly as the first 2 were written, adding the number 5 at the end of each line. Save the file (as a *.DAT file) and you're done.

Super Firefighters

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "difffle" file in the "dreamcatcheremergency fire responselogic" folder. Look at the numbers and look at the difficulty settings. Change the numbers to a new value. Do not change the numbers higher than 9.75 as it may crash the game.

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