Money hint
This ain't a cheatcode, it's more like a hint
In the beginning of the game, it is quite hard to gain some money to buy weapons and armor. Here's a little hint.
When you get to the two farm quests, take the evil one, since this one gives you 50% more money
Then go to Bowerstone general shop, and buy every piece of meat (if it has 15 or more), then sell it again, buy it again and sell it again. Do this some times. After a while, you can do this with parfume, and even all types of gems (except armalyst, since you can only find a limited amount of it) It takes some while, but after less then 30 minutes you have got enough money to buy plate armor and master weapons, making surviving a lot easier.
WARNING: if you do this too often, the game might quit itself, undoing all your progress of that day if you didn't save it. Do this only in the first minutes you play, when you haven't done a lot.