

Get Grace to hit Trip!

OK, so first you choose your name (any) and start the game. Then when Trip opens the door, say 'Hey Trip- where's Grace?' He will then go and get grace. As that happens, go and pick up the SPIDER decoration on the shelf. As Grace comes in, say ' this is a great spider' Then grace will blush and reply with a thank you. Then you will hug grace and demand a drink from Trip, which then he will get you on. ask for SODA, to get them to dissagree. Then as they dissagree, interupt with 'Grace you look lovely tonight.' Trip will then storm off and you and grace are left alone. Tell grace how much of a jerk you think he is, then when trip returns and the argue continues, Tell Trip to get a life. This will anger Trip, then tell grace you will protect her and is on herside. Tell her she is an artist and say how much of an arsehole Trip is being, and when Trip interfeirs, BOOM. you have your hit.

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