Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
- 1, 2, skip a few, 99, 100
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| - Kill 50 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 500 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 5000 behemoths with the shotgun.
| - Kill 50 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 500 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 5000 behemoths with the musket.
| - Kill 25 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Kill 250 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Kill 2500 behemoths with the ray gun.
| - Upgrade your house fully.
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| - Collect 100 orbs in a single game.
| - Upgrade your shotgun fully.
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| - Upgrade your ray gun fully.
| - Kill 50 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 500 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 5000 dodgers with the shotgun.
| - Kill 50 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 500 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 5000 dodgers with the musket.
| - Kill 25 dodgers with the ray gun.
| - Kill 250 dodgers with the ray gun.
| - Kill 2000 dodgers with the ray gun.
- Enough to neccessitate a gun rack
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- Extraterrestrials, go home
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| - Kill 100 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 1000 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 10,000 grunts with the shotgun.
| - Kill 100 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 1000 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 10,000 grunts with the musket.
| - Kill 50 grunts with the ray gun.
| - Kill 500 grunts with the ray gun.
| - Kill 5000 grunts with the ray gun.
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| - Collect 1000 orbs in a single game.
- It never hurts to ask for help
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| - Kill 100 enemies on the last lawn square.
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| - Upgrade your musket fully.
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| - Make a purchase with real money.
- More orbs than your house has room for
| - Collect 2500 orbs in a single game.
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- Now you're just playing with fire
| - Kill 1000 enemies on the last lawn square.
- Packing some serious heat
| - Upgrade all guns to level 3.
- Packing some serious meat
| - Upgrade all guns to max level.
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- Should have stayed on the ship
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| - Kill 25 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 250 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 2500 tanks with the shotgun.
| - Kill 25 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 250 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 2500 tanks with the musket.
| - Kill 10 tanks with the ray gun.
| - Kill 100 tanks with the ray gun.
| - Kill 1000 tanks with the ray gun.
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| - Kill 3 enemies during a single cane time.
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- Welcome to the real world
| - Kill 5 enemies during a single cane time.
| - Kill 10 enemies on the last lawn square.
| - Kill 7 enemies during a single cane time.