Hit CTRL-F1 to open up a box where you can type in the codes: Redtop Trod Access all missions Horny Elk Leer Access maximum-range radar Had a Nude On Lets you press CTRL-I to become invulnerable Brass Clue Lets you press CTRL-Z to refill your ammo Rotted Drop Lets you press CTRL-F to destroy targeted enemy Oh No! Less Japan Lets you press CTRL-X to get ion-strike weapon Half Libel Lets you press CTRL-B to teleport to selected waypoint or target O'Sarge Gives the sargeant in the training missions an Irish accent Mother Mourn Us Changes a mountain in mission 1-5 to Mt. Rushmore with the programmers faces Swiss Throat Changes the Citadel building into 7th Level's Headquarters Chaste Coed Plays end movie A Scramble On Lets you press SHIFT-CTRL-Right Click to capture a screen shot Dunk It Here Play outtakes from recording sessions.