
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Famous Witch Or Wizard Cards

When playing as Harry Potter, go to the one side on the Hogwart's grounds and go through the door that leads to the garden with the hedge sculptures (one Griffondor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slitherin). Go to the brick wall that has a block on it. Jump on the block and a picture of a Raven should appear. Go across the garden where the person who wants to sell you Famous Witches And Wizard Cards. Look by the wall that you can jump over, and there should be a block with a Raven on it. Cast Depulso and go back to the brick wall. The picture should be still be there. Jump on the block again. The picture will change to a snake . Go left and to the middle of the two hedge walls. A block should be on the ground. Cast Depulso at it . Go back to the brick wall and jump on the block . A lion head should appear. Go on the left side of the wall. The block of the lion head should be there. Cast Depulso at it. Go back and jump on the block. A badger head will be there. Go towards the door and the block with a badger head is there. Cast Depulso at it . Take the Famous Witch Or Wizard Card that appears.

Go to the room with the shrub statues. Cast Alohamora on the tapestry and it will reveal a Lumos Gargoyle. Cast Lumos on it, run across the courtyard, and go to the left corner. A Spongify Tile will have appeared. Cast Spongify and jump on the tile. You will then be led to a secret Wizard Card.

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