In the Echidna Game, only one ant at a time will appear until you have eaten five ants, Then, two ants at a time will appear until you have eaten twenty ants. Then many ants will appear once until you have eaten fifty ants. Then, it goes into turbo speed which is the maximum and is very hard to survive.
Bonus game
The Echidna Game found on the CD-ROM has a free downloadable version on the official website at It has a bonus high score feature that is not available on the actual CD-ROM. and you can post your scores on the Internet.
Final levels
The sequence for the final three levels in the Bandicoot Walk Game are as follows:
Level 23: Top row forward, forward, down, forward and out.
Level 24: Bottom row forward two, up, down, up, forward and out.
Level 25: Forward, forward, forward, forward, back, back, forward, wait, forward and out.
The introduction to the CD-ROM has several start sequences including a vacuum cleaner, water splash, ropes, and a train.
Jumping water
In the Bandicoot Walk Game, if you move you mouse fast enough you can jump over the water without losing energy. Be careful to aim at the finish line when you do this or you will end up in the water.
Minimum moves
The beginner level of the sliding puzzle game is possible in four moves (absolute minimum) by moving the pieces in a anti clockwise direction.
Revolving doors
The rotating levels in the Bandicoot Walk Game are easiest done with following the movement like walking through a revolving door. on level 9 go around anti clockwise, level 19 go clockwise and on level 20 go anti clockwise a complete circle before you exit.
Standing still
In the Bandicoot Walk Game, on level 21 and 22 where the water creeps up all around you, you can survive by releasing the mouse as the water is about to cover you. Then, simply click and continue when the water is gone again
Wombat Maze walkthrough
To complete the Wombat Mazes in the most direct route for the fastest score, turn the following directions at each split in the tunnel:
Level 1: Left or right (all paths lead to the wombat and out again).
Level 2: Left, right, (at wombat, turn around) Left, Right, exit.
Level 3: Right, left, right, left, right, (at wombat, turn around) left, right, left, right, left, exit