Saved game file format
offset use
Inventory: (0-31)*
?0 Purse
?1 Sword
?2 Talisman
?3 Ring
?4 Cloak
?5 Antidote
?6 Ruby
?7 Armour
?8 Necklace
?9 Pendant
?10 Cup
?11 Green potion
?12 Red powder
?13 White powder
?14 Vase
?15 Casket
?16 Map
?17 Butter Churn
?18 Hoe
?19 Grain Sacks
?20 Blue liquid
?21 Mug of beer
?22 Meal
?23-?31 Dummies
?32-?38 Unknown
?39 =53 when antidote is given to person 3
?40 Unknown
?145 0=Won Archery contest
?160 =80 when won archery contest
?226 =?352 when all assassins killed
?322 =116 when beaten archery contest
!336 Amount of money
?340 Unknown
?341 Flag, got miller army
?342 Flag, got monk army
?343 Flag, got herbalist army
?344 Flag, got shopkeeper army
?345 Flag, got templar army
?346 Flag, got innkeeper army
?347 Flag, got mercenary army
?349 Beaten Arm Wrestling contest
?350 Amount of assassins killed
?351 0=you have killed all the assassins
?353 Flag, Mug of Beer got (?)
?354 Flag, Meal got (?)
?355 Match number in Archery contest
?356 Flag, for in labrynth
flags are 1 if true, else false.
* with the inventory a 0 signifies you have that object