
Journey to the Savage Planet

Fixer Upper Quest: Continue Your Journey

Once you have completed Jump! Jump! return to the jump that seemed impossible before, but now with your Jump Pack you should make it no problem.

Continue along the path until you come across a giant plant with teeth, aptly called a Meat Vortex.

To clear away the vines and enter the next area, kick a puffbird into its mouth and once it lands the vines extending out from it will retract.

Continue to the marker set by your Cartographer until you come across this purple flower with a faint blue glow. inside is the alien alloy you desire but its locked within this chest like plant.

These plants are called a Vaultivore with this specific one being attached to a creature nearby.

along this path you will see a large alien structure that will give you the Mission Alien Architecture. Complete this mission to learn about how to Fast travel in Journey to the Savage Planet.

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