Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Reunite abbot and his beloved.
- At night all cats are gray
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| - Help Marcel Blaha without starting a war with the diocese.
| - Find the treasure on Xavier's hint.
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| - Read all the books in the Alexander Severlin's library.
| - Deal with Gunther Reike's women.
- Colossus with feet of clay
| - Crash the statue of St. Landary.
| - Be consecrated into a crusader.
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| - Kill everyone at patrolling.
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| - Buy out money-lender Simon.
| - Reunite Dewalt and Dunstan.
- Ghost stories for the night
| - Find proofs of the dusk of one century for prior Moritz.
| - Deal with Bruno Grossenhof's devils.
| - Get back the icon of St. Killian.
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| - Stand up for your honor until the end.
| - Deal with Rudolf's kidnappers and give Erich Grauschild a lesson in humility.
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- I don't recognize you, Yorick
| - Find the skull of abbot Stefan.
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- I won't be anathematized, will I?
| - Burn the cathedral being consecrated into a crusader.
| - Arrange a meeting of Moritz and the Sleepless Count.
| - Kill all unruly vassals in Lahnstein.
| - Play a tie game with Karl the Player.
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| - Return the daughter to Marcus the armorer without starting a war with Red Wolves.
| - Take care of the merchants who bother Humboldt Langard.
| - Exchange all stones in Erzglanz villages.
| - Lay hands on the churchware from the St. Lucius monastery.
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- So what you have one hand?
| - Defeat the Iron Millstone.
| - Make Xavier steal the relic.
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| - Defeat Gustav from Leffe and Manfred Bull Thorn.
| - Find all treasures in Erzglanz mountains.
- Two heads are better than one
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| - Discover the secret of the Threver Forest.
| - Take two lessons from the city guard.
- We will take another road
| - After finishing Zmiter's quest in Trever, change a side in Rothwald.
- What do you want, new lord?
| - Summon a spirit without use of spells.
- You're nothing but a pack of cards!
| - Outgame Zachary in a game of cards.