Final Dungeon Owl Puzzles
At the start of the game, the game gives you a hint for the owl puzzles in the final dungeon: they might appear in the order "RYPP" or "RPPY". R and Y represent red and yellow respectively but the game doesn't tell you which P's represent purple or pink - the final dungeon also has two such puzzles so it becomes difficult to discern not only which order to use for which puzzle, but also how to resolve the purple/pink discrepancy. For the first room of the dungeon with the owl statues in the corners, the solution is red, yellow, purple, pink. For a later room with the owls in a diamond pattern, the order is red, purple, pink, yellow. (These are in a left-to-right, top-to-bottom order.) Hitting the owl statues with the Homing or Rush techs will cycle through the colors in order. To hit the easternmost statue in the diamond pattern, use a Bomb.