Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Survived drifting through a starsystem for ten minutes without colliding with anything or injuring the crew.
| - Collected a sample of every animal in the galaxy.
| - Encountered all alien races at least once.
| - Transported five aliens aboard the ship at the same time.
| - Made it back home without healing any crewmembers in Rogue Mode.
| - Collected a sample of every plant in the galaxy.
| - Brought all eight bounty hunting targets to justice.
| - Solved all of the galaxy's current problems.
| - Won all available trophies and contests in the galaxy.
| - Collected and kept five alien relics.
| - Made it back home without installing any new technology in Rogue Mode.
| - Sampled five foods or beverages in a single Journey.
| - Made it back home without losing any Landers in Rogue Mode.
| - Met all ship types in the galaxy.
| - Brought your whole crew back home.
| - Visited all types of starports and cities in the galaxy.
| - Visited all of the galaxy's biotopes.
| - Made it back home after attacking every alien met in Rogue Mode.
| - Brought the Daedalus-7 back home.
| - Made it back home in Rogue Mode.
| - Found all of the galaxy's relics.
| - Visited at least one ruin from every ancient civilisation.
| - Made it back home without firing a single shot in Rogue Mode.