Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Investigated location: Menagerie
| - Investigated location: Forge
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| - Interactions with snakelizards
| - Interactions with warrior shadows
| - Interactions with buzzing deaths
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| - Interactions with limping dragons
| - Investigated location: Sunken City
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| - Investigated location: Farm
| - Interactions with ratlings
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| - Investigated location: Fisherman's Hut
| - Investigated location: Floating Isles
| - Investigated location: Forest Cabin
| - Investigated location: Bog
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| - Interactions with dark heralds
| - Investigated location: Fairy Glade
| - Investigated location: Old Town
| - Investigated location: Mage Tower
| - Investigated location: Stone Quarry
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| - Interactions with predacious satyrs
| - Locations examined in 'Night' mode
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| - Investigated location: Dwarf Caverns
| - Investigated location: Ships Graveyard
| - Interactions with falagars
| - Locations examined in 'Silhouette' mode
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| - Investigated location: Stronghold
| - Interactions with redeyes
| - Interactions with fiery golems
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| - Interactions with cave kobolds
| - Interactions with meatnaggers
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| - Time for finding objects expired!
| - Interactions with spiderlikes
| - Interactions with darkwings