Stay in mid-air
Enable the apollo, willis, and the flcl codes, then start a new game. Take someone's rocket launcher, aim it under you, and shoot. The blast will bounce you up higher. Keep doing this and you can stay in the air forever. While your dig this, it is difficult to shoot the enemy; make a flame barrier first.
Enable the flcl, arnold, and armstrong codes. Then, go to "Experiment". With some luck, kill a person with a punch and grab his taser if he has one. Then, hit another person with the taser fist. Do not zappify them. and While they are flying up and down, hold the Left Mouse Button. If you have it in the correct location, they will fall onto the taser. When they are wriggling, let go but do not punch them again unless you are prepared to zap them again. When they stop wriggling they will just hover.