Complete each requirement to receive the achievements.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Make a x10 combo in Cooperative
| - Score 10 000 points in normal mode
| - Score 6000 points in block attack
| - Make a x6 combo in Cooperative
| - Score 5000 points in normal mode
| - Reach level 20 in Cooperative
| - Make a x8 combo in Cooperative
| - Make a x2 combo in Cooperative
| - Score 3000 points in block attack
| - Make a x6 combo in Solo Modes
| - Score 20 000 points in normal mode
| - Reach level 40 in Cooperative
| - Score 10 000 points in Cooperative
| - Reach level 10 in Cooperative
| - Make a x8 combo in Solo Modes
| - Make a x10 combo in Solo Modes
| - Compete in 3 Players Team Play mode
| - Reach level 10 in time attack
| - Make a x4 combo in Cooperative
- Here come a new challenger!
| - Play in 2 Players Versus mode
| - Reach level 100 in normal mode
| - Reach level 80 in normal mode
| - Score 6000 points in time attack
| - Score 15 000 points in Cooperative
| - Score 30 000 points in normal mode
| - Play in 4 Players Versus mode
| - Reach level 15 in time attack
| - Compete in 4 Players Team Play mode
| - Reach level 60 in normal mode
| - Make a x2 combo in Solo Modes
| - Make a x4 combo in Solo Modes
| - Score 15 000 points in normal mode
| - Score 5000 points in Cooperative
| - Score 3000 points in time attack
| - Reach level 20 in normal mode
| - Reach level 40 in normal mode
| - Reach level 30 in normal mode
| - Play in 3 Players Versus mode
| - Reach level 30 in Cooperative
| - Reach level 10 in normal mode