Easy "Attila The Hun" Achievement
The first premise is owning the Battle Cars DLC. Then it is not that difficult any more to get the corresponding achievements. In fact, most of them can be reached on the small Summit Circuit of Sand Town such as the destruction of three enemy vehicles in ten seconds (three are not possible with the machine gun, so one mine is necessary), the Endurance Race achievement without being blown up (drive away from the grid and use mines after completion of the first round) or the destruction of an enemy who is in midair (there is a jump included in the circuit). Apology for giving guides for another three achievements of the Battle Cars DLC. Perhaps one could try to get all these achievements in one endurance race, but this leads us to the point: Set ENDURANCE RACE on SUMMIT CIRCUIT of SAND TOWN for unlocking the Attila The Hun achievement. The reason is simple and clear: The number of rounds is maximal set to five and the circuit is small such that the propability of meeting all the other vehicles (overtake, lapping) is the highest possible amongst all actually existing circuits. For example position the car in third position before the shooting starts, then get two enemies with the machine gun, two with mines and the other three when lapping them et voilà.