Confused What People Are Saying? Here's common abbreviations:
S> = Selling
T> = Trading
B> = Buying
wb = Welcome Back
MM = Mush Mom
ZMM = Zombie Mush Mom
Dit = Bandit
Brb = Be Right Back [Short Period]
Afk = Away From Keyboard [Long Period]
Sin = Assassin
Pap = Papulatius Clock
Hpq = Henesys Party Quest
Cpq = Carnival Party Quest
Kpq = Kerning Party Quest
Lpq = Ludibrum Tower Party Quest
Ppq = Herb Town Party Quest
Apq = Ariant Party Quest
Opq = Orbis Party Quest
Zpq = Zakum Party Quest
Gpq = Guild Party Quest
Nett's/PyPQ = Nett's Pyramid
Himes = Dreamy Ghost ("Himes" is the original name, Japanese for "Princess")