
Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat Cheats...

  Mechwarrior 2: 31st Century Combat Walkthroughs

   Cheat Codes...
   Free-floating camera...
   Ghost ammunition...
   Hidden background information...
   Hidden Mechs...
   Hide in a building or mountain...
   Mission select...
   Stealth kills...
   X-ray imaging...

Cheat Codes

In the game hold [alt]+[shift]+[ctrl] and type one of the following cheats below.

code: effect

cia: unlimited ammo
coldmiser: no heat tracking
dorcs: hallucinations then meet programers
enolagay: similar to plane
icanthackit: mission won
mightymouse: unlimited jump jets
tloflygirl: give mech jumpjets
blorb: invulnerability
cgankem: destroy targeted mech

Free-floating camera

Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type tinkerbell. Press the following keys to control the camera.
Press [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow] to turn left
Press [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow] to turn right
Press [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow] to increase altitude
Press [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow] to decrease altitude
Press Z to move forward
Press [Shift] + Z to move backwards
Press C to return to normal.

Ghost ammunition

Place your ammunition in the arms of a mech in an online game. If your arms explode before that ammunition is depleted, there's a 75% chance that that it will become unlimited "ghost ammo".

Hidden background information

Select the holo-projector to get a list of background information on the game. Click on the numbers to the left until a menu with information on the development team appears.

Hidden Mechs

Select a Trials of Grievance instant action mission. Changing your name in the Star configuration screen to Calvin (case sensitive) to add the Elemental between Dire Wolf and Fire Moth. Change your name to Hobbes (case sensitive) to add the Tarantula between Elemental and Fire Moth. Change your name to Enzo (case sensitive) to adds the Battlemaster IIC between Tarantula and Fire Moth (latest version patch required).

Hide in a building or mountain

To hide in a building or mountain, jump jet forward then shut down before hitting the wall. Note: You must continue to hold the jump jet forward key after shutdown.

Mission select

Enter FREEBIRTHTOAD as a Warrior name in any of the clan halls. Any mission for that Clan may be selected in the briefing room.

Stealth kills

If an enemy mech is on the other side of a wall, ram into the wall and zoom in. You will be able to see and shoot through the wall. Note: This trick works with mountains and other walls that can not be destroyed.

X-ray imaging

Hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and type xray. Press W to disable this mode.

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