More In-Game Cheats
Also entered as the player name. Only available in single player "Cruise Mode". These codes activate the corresponding new vehicle.
Code Result
"vasedans" & Pick the Cadillac Generic car
"vasedanl" & Pick the Bullet Generic light car
"vavan" & Pick the Ford F350 The van
"vadiesels" & Pick the City Bus The Diesel
"vacompact" & Pick the VW Bug Rabbit-type compact car
"vapickup" & Pick the Ford F350 Pickup truck
"vabus" & Pick the City Bus Bus with new paint job
"vadelivery" & Pick the Ford F350 Delivery truck
"valimo" & Pick the Mustang GT Random limo
"valimoblack" & Pick the Mustang GT Black limo
"valimoangel" & Pick the Mustang GT White limo
"vataxi" & Pick the Cadillac Yellow cab
"vataxicheck" & Pick the Cadillac Green checkered cab
"vaboeing_small" & Pick the City Bus Mini-jet