Hints: Monks
The monk is one of the game's coolest classes. Deadly with their fists or staves, and hard to hit even when they are not wearing armor, they are heavy hitters. At high levels they can also use magic, and they can combine their skills to make them even better.
Unarmed and Dodging are the staples of the monk. If those two skills are not good enough, then be amazed when you hear that they can grandmaster them, as well as the Staff. A grandmaster at the Staff can use both the Staff AND Unarmed in combat. A grandmaster at Dodging can use both Dodging and Leather Armor (albeit at only master level). That is what makes him cool. Grandmastery should be obtained for Learning (only a 59% bonus to earned experience) and Bodybuilding. Mastery at Armsmaster just makes him better.
A beginning Monk should have a high Might, Endurance, Speed and Accuracy. Luck and Personality should be moderate, while Intelligence is not needed.