hints: Paladin
The paladin is a holy warrior. A champion for justice that strives to rid the land of all evil. The paladin uses both spells and weapons to further the cause of good. They have less hit points than a knight, and less spell points than a cleric, but they still tend to survive. A paladin's strength lies in his ability to attack with the Mace and his ability to defend himself with the Shield. They can get up to grandmaster status in either discipline. Plate Mail finishes off the image of the holy warrior, but is unfortunately only attainable to master level. Other than that, paladins can use any weapons and armor, and should think about mastering the Sword as a second weapon. Paladins can achieve up to master status in clerical magic, which makes them a good choice as a second healer. Other than that paladins would be good to get Repair Item, but only if they are the only one with it in the party. They have to spend enough skill points on other abilities that it would be a waste on this ability.
A beginning paladin should ignore Intelligence and Luck and work on the other five abilities. A high Personality finishes off the picture of the paladin as a radiant hero.