Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Successfully use a Cheating Bolt.
| - Never hire a vice principal in William.
| - Complete both tutorial levels.
| - End a day without any teachers.
| - Dehumanize 3 or more children with a single spell.
| - Maximum number of teachers and all special faculty.
| - In Stephen J. Gould School, never lose Fruitbol.
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| - A teacher knows all spells and lasers.
| - Turn a child into a pineapple.
| - Remove all children from a school.
- Oh Good, You Figured It Out
| - Find the exploit in the Destroy the Union scenario.
- Pineapples Don't Have Makeup
| - Turn David into a pineapple.
| - Win a Fruitbol game with an all-athlete team.
| - Use the "Neocolonialism" supply.
| - End a day with all teachers at maximum salary.
| - No teachers use Televiser; all teachers use max number of supplies.
| - Use an Unfriender Nova to remove all of a child's friends.
| - Lose a scenario due to bankruptcy.
| - End a day with an A- average or better.
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