Wicked level
1 Lemming Tomato ketchup facility UFMCAHTNDN
2 Introducing super lemming NICMHVUOOQ
3 This corrosion MCALVUFPDF
4 Oh no! It's the 4th dimension! CILVUFMQDO
5 Chill out! GAHRTDHBEM
6 Pop til you drop! IHRTDLGCEJ
7 Last Lemming to Lemming Central MPTLLFADEM
8 A towering problem PVLHGMMEEI
9 How on Earth? VLHGAHVFEO
10 Temple of Love DLGIHTTGEP
11 Rocky road LGALTTDHEM
12 Suicidal tendencies GILVTLHIEL
13 Almost nearly virtual reality GEHPUDLJEL
14 The Lemming learning curve IHPWLHGKEG
15 Spam, spam, spam, egg and Lemming MPUDLGALEO
16 Five alive RULHGILMEM
17 Down the tube ULHGEITNEI
18 Lots more where they came from DLGIHTUOEI
19 Up, down or round and round HGAMTWLPEM
20 The Lemming Funhouse GIMTULHQED