Translated quotes
The following characters will say the following non-English quotes.
Mercy (German)
"Helden sterben nicht": Heroes never/don't die
"Sprechstunde bei der Frau Doktor": Consulting with the female doctor
Widowmaker (French)
"Personne n'échappe à mon regard": No one can escape my sight
"ça pique, n'est-ce pas?": It stings, doesn't it?
"Allez, montre-toi": Come on, show yourself
"Je te vois...": I see you
"Magnifique": Magnificent
"Encore?": Another one? / Again?
"Cherché la femme": Search for the woman
"Une balle, un mort": One shot, One kill (lit. "one bullet, one death")
"Et c'est comme ça": And it's like that
"À la vie, à la mort": To life, to death" or also "for better, for worse
"Merde!": Shit!
"C'est la vie": That's life