Weapons Guide
There are 6 different weapons in Pandemic Express. 5 of these weapons are affected by their tier, which can be known via the color of the weapon, the color of the weapon's ui when you're looking at it, and the number of stars the weapon has.
Weapon Tiers
There are 6 different tiers that a weapon can have.
Tier 1 - White, 1 star
Tier 2 - Green, 2 stars
Tier 3 - Blue, 3 stars
Tier 4 - Lavender/Purple, 4 stars
Tier 5 - Gold, 5 stars
Special - Orange, 6 stars - (This is reserved for the rocket launcher)
Weapon tier affects two things. The first thing it affects is the weapons damage. Additionally, it also affects the weapons magazine capacity. For instance, a Tier 1 revolver can only hold 3 bullets before a reload is necessary, but the Tier 5 revolver can hold 18 bullets before a reload. This is incredibly substantial, and a higher tier of the same weapon will ALWAYS be more valuable. You should ALWAYS strive for at least two tier 3 weapons. Anything lower will make the game substantially more difficult.
The Shotgun
The shotgun is, in my opinion, easily the best weapon in the game. It has an enormous amount of knockback against zombies. The shotgun does a decent amount of damage at close range, taking three (sometimes two) shots to kill, but quickly falls off at long ranges. It has a fairly fast firing rate, and a nice reload speed that reload one shell at a time and can be interrupted. However, the true power of the shotgun will not be mentioned here, as that is out of the scope of this section. Know that a tier 3 or above shotgun is a must have for the late game.
The Revolver
Ah, the revolver. My personal second favorite. It pairs well with the shotgun, being fairly accurate at any range, and having perfect hipfire accuracy with minor recoil. It has a notable amount of knockback, making it a fantastic candidate for the early game. During the later stages of the game, it will fall off if you do not have a higher tier because of its lower magazine size. However, I will always take a tier 4 or tier 5 revolver over any of the other weapons excluding the shotgun.
The Assault Rifle
This is an interesting weapon. It has a fast fire rate and a decent magazine size, even at lower tiers. However, the hipfire inaccuracy hurts this weapon a lot. It's not as bad as the SMG, but it's clearly less favorable than the revolver's pinpoint accuracy when hipfiring. The AR's knockback can hold zombies back, but it isn't as powerful as the revolver's or the shotgun's. It can deal a decent amount of damage, and combined with its fast fire rate, it can absolutely shred hordes pretty easily, with some good aim of course. The Assault Rifle is a decent choice, and some might find it more favorable than the revolver. Don't be afraid to experiment with your loadout.
The SMG is THE weapon for spamability. It without a doubt has the fastest fire rate in the entire game, and the tier 5 version has the highest magazine size in the entire game, with a whopping 100 bullets before a reload. Unfortunately, it's also the hardest weapon to aim. The hipfire inaccuracy on this is horrific. Aiming down sights does you no favors, either, as the weapons kick makes it impossible to see what you're shooting at. It's a valid choice, sure, but I wouldn't take it over any of the above weapons, unless you have a much higher tier of the SMG than you do the others. Excluding the shotgun, of course.
The Sniper
God, I despise this gun. It should be incredible in theory. The most notable aspect of the sniper is that headshots will ALWAYS instantly kill a zombie, regardless of tier. However, this is made incredibly difficult by the fact that the ironsights are just flat out garbage. At longer ranges, it's hardly usable. Additionally, there is no crosshair for hipfiring, so you pretty much have to aim down sights to use this weapon effectively.
If you feel you can land your shots consistently, this is a powerful weapon, perhaps one of the best. But otherwise, it's easily the worst one on this list. Drop it at the sight of a better weapon.
The Rocket Launcher
This weapon is truly a gamble. On one hand, it is extraordinarily powerful, and only spawns in the form of the special tier. It has 7 rockets, all of which will instantly kill any zombie it hits when it explodes. This can lead to some hilarious spawn camping at the end of a match, as shooting this thing into zombie spawn over and over again will net you a dozen or two kills. On the other hand, though, it ONLY has those 7 rockets. You cannot grab ammo for the rocket launcher like any of the other weapons. By taking it, you are sacrificing your second weapon slot for a powerful but limited use weapon. Once it is used up, you'll have to settle with what you find. And that may be a tier 1 sniper. God help you.
Melee is kinda good. If a zombie gets too close to you, you can press "f" and you'll hit them with your gun. During the mid game, and sometimes the early game, this can instantly kill all zombies. This is absolutely essential during the late game, don't be afraid to use it. Additionally, you can use it to animation cancel your reload, so if you're in a tight spot or you accidentally reloaded and a zombie is getting too close, you can hit them with your gun and get back to shooting.
I don't know where else to put this section, to be honest. "Armor" spawns in the form of a large, black jar. Hovering your cursor over it will display a yellow shield. Armor is incredibly vital, and you should go out of your way to look for it early game and mid game. It spawns near other weapons, and each building has predetermined locations where it can spawn. Learning these locations and quickly scouting for it is very important.
Armor will grant you an additional yellow heart per jar. You may have up to 3 of these yellow hearts, or a maximum of 6 hearts total. These armored hearts are not damaged via the circle, and will prevent you from being grabbed and thrown by zombies. Armor will also prevent you from being one shot by bombers. All of this WILL save your life a LOT. Keep your eye out for it.