


If you don't have the cameo brooch go to the nursery and get the glass behind the door. If you don't have the crusifix go to the Chapel. Find the secret panel on the right side of the chapel. Follow it to the crypt. Get the rosary beads on the first coffin. Go to the theatre. Go into the makeup room and find Don's vest lying on the floor. Get the snowman ornament out of it. Go to the dark room. When Don grabs click on the drain cleaner. When she throws it on his face run to the nursery and go behind the door. When Don comes in stab him with the glass or cameo brooch. When you get away run to the dark room and get the spell book off the table. Now you automatically get caught. As Don is strapping you in quickly use the snowman to give him back his sences. After he takes it pull the lever. When the Demon comes up run to the theatre secret panel. Go to the stairs in the passege. Grab thee top of the pipe and climb across. Now go to the room behind the closed door and remember to bolt the door by click on the left side of the door. Go to Carno's dead body and get the tailsman out of his pocket. Put the speel book on the table, now put the tails man on it. Use the glass or cameo to cut yourself. Now put the rosery or crusifix on it. Now it goes into video sequence until you beat the game. YOU WON.

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