When playing, press "~" and pull up the screen. type in one of the following:
GOD-god mode
NOTARGET-enimies will not attack you unless provoked
GIVE S#-gives you shells (type in number of how many you want)
GIVE N#-gives you nails (type in number of how many you want)
GIVE R#-gives you rockets (type in number of how many you want)
GIVE C#-gives you cell packs (type in a number of how many you want)
Give #-gives you a weapon from 1-8, Shotgun(1), Double-Barreled Shotgun(2), Nailgun(3), Super Nailgun(5), Grenade Launcher(6), Rocket Launcher(7), Lightning(8)
NOCLIP-you can walk through walls
IMPULSE 13-gives you the silver key or keycard
IMPULSE 14-gives you the gold key or keycard
IMPULSE 255- give you quad damage for a limited amount of time
KILL-commit suicide
IMPULSE 9-all weapons
IMPULSE 11-displays runes (you dont accually get them though)
SV_GRAVITY -50 - reduses gravity by 50% (you can replace the number 50 with any number
FLY-enables you to fly(type it again to stop it)